Editorial Board


Patron of the Journal

Editorial Advisor


Denis is a trainee solicitor at Matheson LLP. He graduated top of his class from University College Cork with a BCL degree in 2018. Throughout his time in UCC, Denis was a member of the editorial board of the Cork Online Law Review, holding the title of Deputy Editor in his penultimate year. Denis also served as a subcommittee member on UCC Law Society’s Advocacy team and began his present involvement with the Free Legal Advice Centres (FLAC) during this time. Prior to commencing his traineeship, Denis worked as a paralegal at a commercial Dublin law rm for two years. This is Denis’ third year with the Hibernian Law Journal. The Journal is published annually and provides a specialist forum for argument and discussion on a wide range of legal topics.

Editorial Committee

Alex Casey is an incoming trainee solicitor and paralegal with A&L Goodbody LLP. Alex studied Law Plus (Politics) at the University of Limerick and ranked 1st place of all graduates in the entire Department of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences in 2022. Alex has interned with the Once of the Chief Justice, EDGE International Lawyers in Portugal and multiple Irish law rms. Alex has taught as a Law Lecturer with City Education Group, as a Teaching Assistant with UCD and as a Law Tutor with Maynooth University and University of Limerick. Alex has published articles across various Irish peer-reviewed journals and editorial board experience working with the Select Comparative European Law Review, Plassey Law Review, and the Wuppertal Institute’s International Legal Research Group on ‘Law and Sustainability’. Alex is also currently the Vice President for Academic Activities at ELSA Ireland (‘European Law Students’ Association’).

Editorial Committee

Alice is a trainee solicitor at McCann FitzGerald LLP. She graduated with a first class honours in her Bachelor in Laws (LL.B.) degree from Trinity College Dublin in 2019, where she was awarded the Julian Prize for placing second in her class. At TCD, she held the position of Chair of the Society for International A airs (2017-2018). She completed her Bachelor in Civil Law (BCL) degree at Pembroke College, University of Oxford in 2020, where she was awarded a Distinction. At Oxford, Alice volunteered as a Legal Research
er with Oxford Pro Bono Publico. Subsequently, she worked as a Research Assistant in International Human Rights Law at TCD. Priorto commencing her traineeship, Alice worked at IBM and the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission in Dublin, and in the competition practice of Cleary Gottlieb Steen and Hamilton LLP in Brussels. This is Alice’s first year with the Hibernian Law Journal.

Editorial Committee

Áine is a trainee solicitor at Eversheds Sutherland. She graduated with a Joint Honours (International) degree in Law and French from Dublin City University in 2019 and a Certificate d’Etudes Politiques from the Institute of Political Science of Lyon. Áine graduated with an LLM in International Commercial Law from University College Dublin in 2020. Prior to her traineeship, Áine served as Judicial Assistant to Mr. Justice Michael Quinn from 2021 to 2023 on the commercial list, examiner’s court list, restriction and disqualification list, and the examinership list. She also acted as secretary to the Judicial Wing of INSOL Europe.

Editorial Committee

Andrew is a trainee solicitor at Arthur Cox LLP. He graduated first place in his class with a first class honours BLC degree from the University of Galway in 2020. Andrew then completed an LLM at Gonville and Caius College, at the University of Cambridge, graduating in 2022. While at Cambridge he was a researcher for the Cambridge Pro Bono Project. He has published work in the UCD Law Review. Prior to commencing his traineeship, Andrew interned at the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission and worked as a legal volunteer for the Irish Refugee Council. This is Andrew’s first year with the Hibernian Law Journal.

Editorial Committee

Róisín is a trainee solicitor at McCann FitzGerald LLP. She graduated with a first class honours BCL degree in Law with French Law from UCD (2020), having completed an Erasmus year at Aix-Marseille Université. While at UCD, she was involved with the Student Legal Service and had an article published in the student law journal. Prior to commencing her traineeship, Róisín worked as a legal intern in Dublin and as a stagiaire for the Irish Advocate General at the Court of Justice of the European Union. This is Róisín’s
second year with the Hibernian Law Journal.

Editorial Committee

Sean-Patrick is a solicitor at Dentons. In 2017 he graduated from Dublin University with a Bachelor of Laws degree (LL.B.). Throughout his time at Trinity College, Sean-Patrick was a member of the editorial board of the Trinity College Law Review, holding the title of Managing Editor (Financial) in his final year while also undertaking the role of Vice President for Academic Activities for ELSA TCD. Before commencing his traineeship, Sean-Patrick worked in-house at aviation and technology companies as well as at financial and professional services rms. Sean-Patrick served as Deputy Editor for Management on Volume 21 and Volume 22 of the Hibernian Law Journal.

Editorial Committee

Aoibh is a trainee solicitor at Arthur Cox LLP. She graduated from Trinity College Dublin in 2021 with a first class honours in Law, having completed a year abroad at the University of Queensland, Brisbane. Aoibh was awarded the Henry Hamilton Hunter Prize for graduating first in her class. During her time at Trinity, Aoibh was Competitions Convenor for the Trinity College Law Society and was a student researcher for the Free Legal Aid Centre. Aoibh has published an article with the Trinity College Law Review, for which she was awarded the Gernot Biehler Case Note Prize and she has also had a paper included in a Report to the Queensland Human Rights Committee. This is Aoibh’s first year with the Hibernian Law Journal.

Editorial Committee

Aoife is a trainee solicitor at Arthur Cox LLP. She graduated with a first class honours in a Bachelors of Law and Business (LL.B.) from Trinity College Dublin in 2021, having been awarded a foundation scholarship in 2019, and completing a study abroad semester in the University of Sydney in the same year. She recently graduated top of the class in a Masters in International and European Business Law (LL.M.) from Trinity College. Aoife has had her article on the criminalisation of market manipulation in the EU published in volume 41 of the Irish Law Times. This is Aoife’s first year with the Hibernian Law Journal.

Editorial Committee

Jonathan is a trainee solicitor at VP McMullin Solicitors. In 2014, he graduated with a first-class honour degree in classics and philosophy (BA Hons) before completing his PhD at the University of Galway (2019). Since 2021, he also holds a postgraduate Diploma in Law. As a student, Jonathan received a number of academic honours, including the Galway Doctoral Research Fellowship, an Athenry Prize, and a Global Undergraduate Award. His research has been published in a number of peer-reviewed journals, and he
has spoken at conferences in Ireland, the Netherlands, and USA. He has also lectured at both the University of Galway and ATU, Letterkenny. This is Jonathan’s first year with the Hibernian Law Journal.

Editorial Committee

Dáire is a trainee solicitor at Mason Hayes & Curran LLP. Before commencing his traineeship, he clerked at the Irish courts and taught at universities in Dublin after obtaining law degrees from the universities of Dublin and Oxford. As a student, he was Editor-in-Chief of the Trinity College Law Review, an Associate Editor of the Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal and Convenor of the TCD Law Student Colloquium. His academic writing has been published in leading Irish, European and international law journals.

Editorial Committee

Ellen McCarthy is a trainee solicitor with the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission. She graduated from University College Cork with an Honours BCL International Degree in 2018. During her degree, she completed an Erasmus year in Leiden University. Prior to starting her traineeship, she worked as a legal intern in Nasc Migrant Rights Centre and as an Advocacy Office in Crosscare Migrant Project focussing on the rights of Irish citizens accessing housing and social welfare. Ellen assisted in the research of ‘Home for Good? A Report on the Experience of Recently Returned Irish Emigrants’. This is Ellen’s first year with the Hibernian Law Journal.

Editorial Committee

Eoin Doyle is a trainee solicitor at A&L Goodbody LLP. He graduated with a First Class Honours BCL (Law and Business) from University College Cork in 2021. Eoin was the Editor-in-Chief of the 18th Edition of the Cork Online Law Review and was awarded the Gold Medal for the ‘Best Article by a UCC Student’ in the 20th Edition. Eoin also served as the Conference Director, Vice-Auditor and Recording Secretary of the UCC Law Society. This is Eoin’s first year with the Hibernian Law Journal.

Editorial Committee

Louise is an Associate at Mason Hayes & Curran LLP (MHC), specialising in technology law, privacy and data security. Louise works with leading global and domestic technology companies on a diverse range matters. Louise holds a certificate in Technology Law from the Law Society of Ireland; a certificate in Mediation from the Mediator Academy; and is a volunteer pro bono lawyer for Community Law & Mediation. Louise has co-authored several articles published on Lexology. Prior to joining MHC, Louise worked as the sole legal case manager in the New York office of an industry leading US law firm. In this role, Louise managed several high-profile, multi-state class action lawsuits in the areas of discrimination and wage and hour violations. Louise holds a first-class honours degree in Law and Political Science from Trinity College Dublin (TCD). Throughout her time at TCD, Louise was elected student speaker for the Class of 2018, Valedictory Evening; awarded Equality Activist for the Year by the Union Students of Ireland for her work as Gender Equality Officer in TCD Students’ Union; and won the National Moot Court Competition.

Editorial Committee

Matthew is a trainee solicitor at DLA Piper. He graduated from Trinity College Dublin with a first class honours LLB (Law and Business) in 2022, before completing his LLM at Trinity in International and European Business Law in 2023, for which he received first class honours with distinction. While in Trinity, he was Editor-in-Chief of The Eagle: Trinity College Law Gazette. He was also involved with Trinity FLAC’s legal research projects, serving as Deputy Legal Research Officer in 2021. In 2022, he was awarded the Rory McDonagh International Business Prize, and also was named Trinity Business Student of the Year for 2022.

Editorial Committee

M.J. is a trainee solicitor at Arthur Cox LLP. He graduated with a first class honours LLB (ling.germ) degree from Trinity College Dublin (2021), with a distinction in spoken German. MJ also received the Law School Prize for achieving joint first place and the German-Irish Lawyers and Business Association award for achieving first class honours in German Law. Prior to his traineeship, MJ worked as Legal Policy Officer at the Immigrant Council of Ireland, leading out on researching, drafting, and editing a submission to, and lobbying members of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. He also coordinated, researched and drafted policy submissions related to the review of civil legal aid, economic migration and citizenship reform. MJ was also formerly a tutor in Land Law at University College Dublin. Previously, he sat on the editorial board of the Trinity College Law Review as Senior Editor, and has had his own work entitled “The Digital Classroom: Data Protection of Children in the Era of Digital Education” published in the 10th edition of the Kings Inns Law Review.

Editorial Committee

Milo O’Shaughnessy is a trainee solicitor at McCann FitzGerald LLP. He graduated from Leiden University with an LLM in European Law in 2021, having graduated from University College Cork with a BCL in Law in 2020. He has had work published in Irish Law Times, with an article co-authored with Mr. Justice Richard Humphreys and colleagues now forthcoming as a chapter in K. Tobia, A Cambridge Guide to Experimental Jurisprudence (2023, Cambridge University Press). Before starting his traineeship, Milo worked as a judicial assistant in the Irish High Court for over a year, and had previously interned in an EU law practice in Brussels. This is Milo’s first year with the Hibernian Law Journal.

Editorial Committee

Philip is a solicitor in the Disputes and Investigations group of A&L Goodbody LLP, where he specialises in white collar crime, sanctions and export controls. He holds a BCL (Law with Economics) from UCD and an LL.M. (Public International Law) from the London School of Economics. Philip trained with A&L Goodbody, during which time he also tutored EU law at undergraduate level in UCD. In 2023, Philip was selected as the Law Society of Ireland’s representative on the annual ‘Stage International’ programme run by the Barreau de Paris and worked as a visiting foreign lawyer within the Global White Collar practice of White and Case Paris as part of this programme. Philip has published written work in the Cork Online Law Review and the blogs for the Cambridge International Law Journal and the Georgetown Journal of International Law. He has co-authored a book chapter on the law of privilege in Ireland for a multijurisdictional legal publication which is due to be published in early 2024.

Editorial Committee

Tola Ilori is a trainee at Arthur Cox LLP, currently undergoing the PPC programme. She completed an Erasmus semester at the University of Antwerp before graduating from University College Dublin in 2021 with a BCL Honours. Alongside her studies, she was a board member of Volume 21 of the UCD Law Review and was published in the UCD Student Legal Services Journal. Tola was also a committee member of the L&H Society in her second and third years. Tola completed her LLM in European Law at Maastricht University in the Netherlands. This is her first year with the Hibernian Law Journal