
The Journal is now accepting article submissions (5,000 – 15,000 words) for Volume 23 of the Journal. The deadline for submission is extended to Thursday, 29 February 1014 at 6 PM. Articles should be submitted in Word format to:

Article Submission Guidelines

Articles relating to domestic, European and international law are considered, provided that they are relevant in an Irish context. An annual prize, chosen by our Judge-in Residence, is awarded for the best article. A separate prize is awarded by the Law society of Ireland for the best article submitted by a trainee solicitor. The house style of the Journal is OSCOLA Ireland, which can be accessed here in full and here as a quick reference guide, The following guidelines apply to submissions: Articles should be between approximately 5,000 and 15,000 words. The article must not have been published elsewhere, although may be a thesis which is bound and catalogued in a university library. Articles may be on any legal topic of interest to the author. We particularly welcome submissions from trainee solicitors and pupil barristers, PhD students and early career academics.

Case Note Submissions

The Journal is now accepting submissions of case notes for publication in Volume 23. Case notes should be between 2,000 – 4,000 words in length, and should address a decision of the Irish or European Courts from the past year. Submissions on any case, particularly those with an Irish or broader European relevance, are welcome. All submissions should be made to The deadline for submission of case notes is Friday, 1 March 2024 at 6 PM.

Tips for Authors

A good article: analyses and critiques the law; offers a different perspective on the law; speculates on the future development of the law; deals with issues which ,ay have been ignored or unappreciated in the past; deals with a discrete legal question and does not try and deal with too many issues; presents a coherent and well thought through argument; and is well written and well structured. The most common reasons for submissions being rejected are: articles describe and summarise the law but do not analyse or critique the law; articles focus on the politics or policy surrounding an issue without sufficiently analysing the law; articles are not up to date or show a lack of understanding of the law as it currently stands; authors do not demonstrate a sufficient understanding of the academic literature on the topic they are writing about; and articles are poorly written and poorly structured. The Journal reserves the right not to award the advertised prize in the event that the submissions received are not of a publishable standard.