Hibernian Law Journal

Established in 1999, the Hibernian Law Journal is a legal journal co-ordinated by trainee and newly qualified solicitors.

Appreciating the important relationship between the study and the practice of law, the Hibernian Law Journal endeavours to provide a forum that promotes the integration of these traditionally distinct activities. Through the medium of multidisciplinary scholarship, the Journal aims to promote an increased awareness of the law and its related disciplines among practising and academic lawyers alike, while also encouraging increased scholarship by members of the legal community. The Journal addresses issues of interest and consequence to the legal community and feature writings that traverse the traditional boundaries of legal publishing in Ireland.

In recognition of the wealth of currently unpublished scholarship on the law and its related disciplines in Ireland, the Journal seeks to highlight specifically, although not exclusively, the writings of trainee and newly qualified lawyers, junior academics and students.

The Journal is published annually and provides a specialist forum for argument and discussion on a wide range of legal topics.

In addition to publishing the Journal in July of each year, the Hibernian Law Journal hosts an Annual Lecture each Autumn. The lecture provides a forum for eminent jurists from around the world to speak on topics of contemporary legal significance. In recent years the lecture has covered The Rule of Law in a Digitised Age and The Future of the Legal Profession.

The Hibernian Law Journal and its accompanying annual lecture series is a truly unique endeavour in Irish legal scholarship. Launched at the beginning of a new millennium and in an era of great confidence, the Hibernian Law Journal hopes to reflect carefully on the past, comment critically on the present and look forward with optimism to the future.